
ជាតិ ខេមរា សូម​ចូលរួម​រំលែកទុក្ខ​យ៉ាងក្រៀមចំពោះ​ក្រុម​គ្រួសារ​នៃសពទាំង​អស់​ដែល​បានជួបវាសនាអាក្រក់​កាលពីរាត្រីថ្ងែទី២២ ខែវិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ​២០១០កន្លងទៅនេះ។

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Political incorrectness?

Source: KI

A Cambodian peasant from a remote corner of Kampong Thom was transported to Phnom Penh to attend one of Samdach Hun Xen’s speeches to the public. Not knowing anything about the CPP or who Samdach Hun Xen is, he listens to the long speech.

The people shout: "Long live Samdach Hun Xen! Long live the CPP!"

Samdach Hun Xen says: "Next year, we'll live much better! Our development growth rate will be even higher!"

Then, the peasant jumps out of the crowd and angrily shouts: "Yeah, you, you stinkin' stupid brainless clown with a single twitching eye! But how about us?!"

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