
ជាតិ ខេមរា សូម​ចូលរួម​រំលែកទុក្ខ​យ៉ាងក្រៀមចំពោះ​ក្រុម​គ្រួសារ​នៃសពទាំង​អស់​ដែល​បានជួបវាសនាអាក្រក់​កាលពីរាត្រីថ្ងែទី២២ ខែវិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ​២០១០កន្លងទៅនេះ។

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Political Correctness?

Source: KI
A Cambodian peasant who recently lost his land from forced eviction in Takeo is trying to protest against the CPP regime which rules Cambodia for the past several decades, therefore he throws leaflets, papers around in front of Samdach Hun Xen’s residence near the Monument of Independence in Phnom Penh. Several cops and secret agents immediately arrested him and questioned him, then they observed that there was nothing on the papers, they were all plain white.

The cops and secret agents asked him why the papers are white, then the peasant replies: "It's obvious anyway, why should I write it down?"

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